the problem is that you travel to radar area. do some clicks. and after some activity you get not so scary jumpscare at the end. and why is stars shown. It's day time on the moon so the stars not be visible.
sometimes the front face becomes dark and the dark side becomes light (during the time around new moon). When the **Front Face** is light, It's called the day time. You made the sky on the moon having stars (it was shown day time in game) but in the daytime, the stars are not visible. You can see in pictures that stars are not visible. That's a little mistake which can be improved
I really enjoyed this! I thought it worked really well atmospherically. It would be really cool to see where the story goes further - since the person watching the recording may now be in danger. Really awesome job!
Congratulations to the creators of this very good game, the sounds and the setting are very good, I want to ask the creators of the game to please subscribe to my channel, greetings from Spain!!
Ya Im not gonna put it up on there so by all means put it on Spotify 100 percent, if you could just put my name somewhere on the song page that would be sick.
Hey, i know its been a while since this conversation started but I´ll put the song on spotify with my next release. If you have discord I could keep you updated on that more easily without needing to write comments here every time. My discord username is "justhighlol". Feel free to msg me anytime :)
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uploading till I get 1k views on YT
Looks like CaseOh played your game!
this is incredible, best sound design from an indie game i've ever seen
Fun idea and a great atmosphere. Thanks for making it!
enjoyed it very much!
So this is how it feels to be stalked. the moon is my favorite planet ( is it even a planet?)
Honestly, that was not that bad, hope to see an updated version for some good jumpscares:
completely wasted my time on this. and realism is very neglected
Sorry about that Distilled Water. There won’t be any minerals or electro lights in the next game though so make sure to follow so you get notified!
the problem is that you travel to radar area. do some clicks. and after some activity you get not so scary jumpscare at the end. and why is stars shown. It's day time on the moon so the stars not be visible.
what do you mean by "day time on the moon"? the moon always looks the same
sometimes the front face becomes dark and the dark side becomes light (during the time around new moon). When the **Front Face** is light, It's called the day time. You made the sky on the moon having stars (it was shown day time in game) but in the daytime, the stars are not visible. You can see in pictures that stars are not visible. That's a little mistake which can be improved
ohhhhhh i thought you were talking about something else
Just want you to know that your joke did not go unappreciated.
Hey do you know why I cant open the game I had extracted the file but it wont open
Nice, okela walau cukup sederhana cuman nyamperin kesana terus balik dan wala musuh pun tiba.
?? What is the point of this game
Ha, what was that, ended so fast and.....great graphics
fucking garbage
I didn't expect the ending and I was Kinda surprised 10/10
Honestly it got me
really fun game, I think I broke it tho lol
did i die or is it rigged?
of course its fucking rigged
just like the carnival
I already wrote this in a comment below your YouTube video but I'd love to put the song on Spotify. With your permission I'd gladly do so. ^^
Ya Im not gonna put it up on there so by all means put it on Spotify 100 percent, if you could just put my name somewhere on the song page that would be sick.
Gladly and thank you for your permission ^^
Hey, i know its been a while since this conversation started but I´ll put the song on spotify with my next release. If you have discord I could keep you updated on that more easily without needing to write comments here every time. My discord username is "justhighlol". Feel free to msg me anytime :)
i enjoyed it and went places that i wasnt ment too
good quality but, a screamer for the end just sucks
Still haven't found anything bad on the moon
Really enjoy the ride AND the Atmos of it...
Made my first video on it AND 2 More games!
Keep it UP 👌🌝
Very nice little short game. Like the space setting.
SPACEEEEE I love spooky vibes on space! Unsettling. Third game I played in this weeks 3 Scary Games!