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Me likey. Cool game 10/10, would run at big glowing ball again. Thanks matthew ager. very cool. Although the sensitivity sucks balls

Had a lot of fun with this.

how tf do i get so terrified from this, man. crazy for a pretty short game, making my hair stand up.

also just saw the faces when i'm trying to make a thumbnail. that shit had me fucked up. cook more pls.


I enjoyed this, game could've benefitted from subtitles though. I found it a bit difficult to understand what they were saying

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This was a very interesting game! The emptiness of space and the feeling of being watched really set me on edge pretty much the whole time!! It’s safe stay where you are!

I Went To The Moon... Something Watched Me | SOMETHING BAD IS ON THE MOON | Indie Horror Game

Yo! Forgot to post this here! Hope you enjoy! It's translated in spanish

Really Cool, Very Unsettling

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

This was a great little experience. Scare was a bit cheap but still got me good. I would love for there to be more games like this.

Wow love the mood 

Creepy, specialy the faces

my heart actually sank when i realized the capsule was actually off the moonand leaving, then  i just stood there and the ending made me freak!!! awesome experience, i love found footage horror

Enjoyable experience, I loved the fact that the bad thingy managed to corrupt or hack the communication systems, really scary. Very good entry to horror games for someone that is deathly afraid of them, but also frick you for scaring me.

Good job :)


100 more views to 1k on this video!!!



A Great Scare!


O cenário/ambiente está bem concebido, a música que acompanha este jogo é muito boa. Bom trabalho.


a decent game  its a new idea you can add many more scary ideas to it this has huge potential

i hope more will come

This is really cool. I enjoyed the overall atmosphere. Very creepy and disconcerting feeling throughout. Great job!


I enjoyed this one! You built up a sense of dread effectively, especially towards the end. There's just enough to speculate on (i.e the nature of the "anomaly", how it "noticed" the person watching this footage, etc.) and I like that you left a lot of questions unanswered for us to fill in the blanks.

Great job! 

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     hello!        this game really scared me and made me pee. next time make a space game that is more scary then this over all the plushie say a 10/10
call me in space because seriously i can use the solar system as a hula hoop

(1 edit) (+1)

Are these character voices AI-generetated?


These game was really cool, the ending definitely was not what I was expecting either lol.



Played your great game here:

Really loved the mood, the visuals and the atmosphere! Keep it up, cant wait to see what you do next! ;)

AFTER 2 MONTHS THIS WAS THE FIRST GAME I PLAYED AT 0:37 SECONDS REALLY INTERESTING CONCEPT AND OVERALL SCARY THE JUMPSCARE GOT ME GOOD LMAOOO KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK : ) also highly recommend playing this game for yourself if you havent or watch me play if interested : )

I really liked the atmosphere in this game, excellent world building as well

Now we finally know why we never went back. 


Thanks for making this!

This concept is really cool, just wish it was longer.


Really cool game (2nd game) :) xx

Pretty cool game! I Enjoyed it! Short N Sweet!

Interesting game. Grammar is a bit funky but amazing overall!


Yall should definitely watch this video because ill be your new favorite youtuber. Also W game.

This was fantastic! Though I wish the entity at the end was one of the giant heads. 


Something bad is DEFINITELY on the moon and you know what it is? The TRUTH (it’s flat).

Really great game though and I genuinely felt creeped out towards the end. The atmosphere (or lack there of, technically) was really well done. Your game is the second one in my video. Great job!

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