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Hey bud, congrats on having your game played by some very well known people! Such as Markiplier, FusionzGamer, and more! I stopped by to ask if there's gonna be a release date any time soon for your next game? and also, how's things looking with the script!


Hey Zesty, new game is coming along well. My goal is to have it released in September but I'm really just gonna keep working on it until its the best that I think I can make it. I might not release something for a while after Station 7, I just want to know that I've done the best that I can and be satisfied with the game. This game, sometimes I feel almost disappointed because I know I could have made it much better, I didn't expect such a great response from the Itch community which I'm super grateful for. Thanks for stopping by again bud!

(2 edits) (+1)

Script is on first draft for act 1 out of the 3 planned acts. I've been implementing everything with AI voices as I create the game (so I know the script is truly what I want), and then I will replace as many as I can with real people.


alright sounds good!


You should check out my discord if you have a chance:


alrighty, will do!


fun game.

This was very amazing experience I think the moon is a very fascinating setting that's not well utilised as it should be

The atmosphere was very powerful and cool and the scares were wonderful.

I also appreciate the small size of the download because I have a very bad internet connection and it's a pain to download massive files

I don't have any particular criticism I simply await to play your future projects

Here is a video of the game if someone is interested


last jump scare made me jump out of my chair  

thanks for the game, i shat my pants :)




Great world building and creepy story, I liked it a lot, good work!


fucking awesome game man, scared the shit out of me.

maybe an epilepsy warning on the download page would be good, i have a friend who would be seizing on the ground if she played this.

other than that, amazing job. big things ahead in your career :D


Thats a super valid point I am adding that right now.


Scared the life outta me 


Loved it, the atmosphere, or lack there of! buahhahaha jk was awesome and not knowing how you'd end up was awesome. Definitely wouldnt mind seeing this expanded upon a little more. Good work.


I really enjoyed the game, scared me at the end

taba bien el juego ,pero le falto como mas cosas pa hacer, nomas andaba brincando y volando pero ta bien

(1 edit) (+1)

(1 edit) (+1)

im having issues trying to play this game. Half of my screen is black and i dont know how to fix it, the animation to show the screen is reasonably slower from what ive seen from other videos of people playing. However I really liked the atmosphere from other peoples perspectives and hope to have some help in fixing this issue.

ps ive re-downloaded from the website and app multiple time and restarted my pc, unless ive missed an extra step id love some help so i can experience the game and my friends when theyre over can also.

(7 edits) (+1)

I have just patched your issue! Download the new version to play! (I assumed you were on windows based on the aspect ratio of your screenshot). I really appreciate how sincere your message was, I hope you enjoy the game RexDangerFest!


this is the healthiest interaction i've ever seen between a developer and a fan.

also your game is awesome, fuck yeah dude.


great name out here Matt


Yesssss it worked thank you so much man im really excited to enjoy the game as intended much love man keep creating banger games




Hey Rex, you should check out my discord if you have a chance, I think youd like it:


nice game

loved it!

gotta say, it actually creeped me out lol  nicely done


Great Job




I can't open it for some reason


Reminded me of the reason I hate space. Isolation which can lead to paranoia, and spooky demon faces sppearing out of nowhere. Also the feeling you're not truly alone...


Cool game, fantastic atmosphere and tension!

Okay I like it Picasso


I think this game is really good, the tension is well build and the sound effect are really good. That's why I feel like it's a little bit disappointing that it ends on a pretty cheap jumpscare. Don't get me wrong, it earned it, but a png just flopping around in front of the screen really doesn't do justice to the rest of the game. Especially when the bright light playing music was a much more interesting concept in my opinion. Overall, I still think this experience is very good so keep at it.


Space is a nice competitor to the ocean.


If there was any reason for not wanting to go to the moon, I finally have one now. Haha, fantastic little horror game and did not at all EXPECT THAT to be on the moon!





uploading till I get 1k views on YT


Was not expecting that on the moon? 😱

Looks like CaseOh played your game!


this is incredible, best sound design from an indie game i've ever seen


Fun idea and a great atmosphere. Thanks for making it!


enjoyed it very much!


So this is how it feels to be stalked. the moon is my favorite planet ( is it even a planet?)

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