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I absolutely loved the game and was terrified throughout it! Keep up the good work. (here is my playthrough if anyone is interested!)

Espero haya una continuación!

Dejo aquí mi gameplay en español:


I think you must be more creative. Also you need subtitle please. Good luck!


W Game



There sure is something bad on the moon!
( also i keep replaying it, hoping there's more... or a way to escape. But it jumpscares me every time XD )


MAN, I bet I've seen this monster before. Is it original or i'm trippin?


What an epic game. From the music to the camera work. I really enjoyed my time and that jump scare... haha.. 


Yoooo this was really GOOD! Loved the atmosphere and feel of the game. And that jumpscare was intense and well done. Great job guys! Looking forward to see more your games! 👏👏👍

game is good, but here's my criticism, the build-up to the final jumpscare is really really good, but I feel like the jumpscare itself ruins the atmosphere, it would be better if it would cut to black after the star thing touches you  


ok i gotta admit this was not the best game to RECORD,  my challenge was to play horror games until I got scared and I think because of that I kinda got distracted and didn't pay attention to the dialog so Sorry :P 

the game was really fun tho and it had one of the best jumpscares out of all of them so well done 😁


android version pleaseeeeee


WOW that was scary but near the end u kinda come to terms with it very good


Why wont it start when i click open I extracted the files why cant i ope


loved it! (pooped in my pants)

German Gameplay here!


very spooky game!


Great game, i just wish the jumpscare wasnt so loud


This game was really pretty and well made. The spook at the end was good too. Nice! 


This game made me 💩 myself. Great game! 


Fun game


it is not letting me play


Same it doesnt open


Interesting demo. Curious to see how the full game is going to play out~

wowzy, absolutely amazing game!

(i'd be even better, if you could realisticly jump, cuz right now jumping feels like the gravitation on the moon is even higher than on the earth)


This was an interesting one.  I keep thinking I might have missed something, but what I got was intriguing.


Youtube : BevorniX


Really good game looking forward to play more of your games


So Nerve Racking!!

loud, not scary
painful even


This game is a pretty solid demo for the writing team behind it and shows a fair amount of creativity. Well worth the playthrough. Although there are some setting details and inconsistencies (like having that big satellite on the moon which dwarfs the lander) its forgiveable.

The one major issue this game has is that the movement and physics both suck. Jumping feels gross and moving doesn't feel much better, especially over hills. For a walking simulator, not having good movement is kinda killer. I would not play an expanded version of this if movement was not improved.


Cool game, with an amazing atmosphere!

Loved the game!


I gave this game my Voice Actor touch while playing and it was entertaining as hell! We loved it on the channel, it makes for good commentary!!

Aliens Have INFESTED the Moon in this Indie Horror Game


I won't speak to the technical side of the game since I'm not a developer, but I really don't appreciate the use of AI voices. It's not hard to find quality actors, and the rise in AI is only going to make it harder for quality talent to find work. Let's not perpetuate the use of it, please. With regards to story and narrative devices this has potential and you've got a great concept on your hands. It's a nice offshoot of the "moon's haunted" meme. Gameplay wise it'd be cool to see this expanded to more than just walking back and forth.


I dont see why its such a big deal, it might help budget wise, and you really hardly notice it with the effects and all, its a free game anyway so i dont think it matters.


Awesome concept !! Really tense all the way through as well.

Only downside is that the voice acting seems to be AI, i hope i'm wrong but that is really the bad thing if that's the case.

But still a very enjoyable horror game and it does the job wonderfully !

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)



this one could have been a lot better, i like the idea, could have been a longer game, would be dope!! 


Is this available on mac? If so why does it not run?


This caught me off guard like no other man 
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