A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


Linear Chess is a chess engine and GUI! Play chess against your friends or against the computer. I developed the engine from scratch and it is rated at 2000 ELO right now. Updates in the future will bring this up to a target of 2400. There are plenty of features and custom games to try, so download the project and check it out! Find out if you have what it takes to beat the Linear Chess Engine!

Linear Chess Features:

- Custom Games

- End Game Training

- Game Imports

- Variable Difficulty

- Player vs CPU and Player vs Player Gameplay


LinearChess.zip 21 MB
LinearChessMacOS.app.zip 20 MB

Development log


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bug report: this engine en passants even if its not supposed to

Thanks for the bug report, there are probably many bugs, but this project is very old and I probably won't revisit it. If you want I can upload it to GitHub for you if you want to play around with the project at all! Just let me know Vilss!

(1 edit)

can you add Machine Learning to this chess engine and neural network? i did bit of testing: the evaluation bar is kinda bad because instead of mate in 8 for black the eval said -40 also the chess engine needs a few improvements 

  • Implement advanced search algorithms 
  • Enhance the heuristic evaluation function 
  • Develop a comprehensive opening book.
  • Integrate endgame tablebases 
  • Optimize for parallel processing.
  • Incorporate deep learning techniques 
  • Tune engine parameters
  • Implement adaptive play strategies.
  • Improve time management.
  • Continuously test and iterate.