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This was pretty good, only wish it was a bit longer 

I would have loved to play this for longer! The games were scary and simple enough. I think subtitles would have been nice since sometimes the dialog was hard to hear. Also the volume balance between footsteps and dialog was a bit off in my opinion. But overall nice and scary experience :)

absolute rubbish that was.

nah jk all I can say for improvement is make the jumpscare noises less loud it made me go half deaf and also get a better mic it sounds a little poo

Haha! Thanks for the feedback always appreciate constructive criticism. I'm going to try to get a new microphone soon! Sorry about the jumpscares, I will do my best to improve next time!

This game was not for me. I thought it would be a little longer and have better audio. The footsteps were a decent volume but the dialog wasn't loud enough. Wish I had more back story about the characters in the game! Other than those things the game seem to work alright. The maze held the most tension for me even though I found my way out quickly. Overall the game could use a quick clean for the audio fix and I think it would make it 10 times better.

Absolutely agree! Thank you for the feedback man, I will try to improve next time!

Now that’s what I call a game! Keep going Dev

Really enjoyed the game very much!!!!


That Game Was Awesome As Always Keep It Up...

I made a video on this game - 43:04

The games just keep getting BETTER and BETTER! I'm really digging the Fear Tapes series and I played the Junkyard one off cam and that was a really good one too. This one was a little shorter but then again it only took me one try because I'm an untamed BEAST! Seriously though, the games are really unique and you are one of my favorite indie horror devs! Keep up the great work Matt!

   - CrazyCheesePuf  

I'm glad you enjoyed! Might not have another game up for a little bit because I'm starting work a big project rn that might take a while. Thanks for the videos bro, always love them!

It's always a pleasure to play your games! I really like the concept here, I just wish it was a bit longer! Still a great game though, and the jump scare got me REALLY good lol. Great work as usual!

Yes I also wanted to make it a bit longer but I was very excited to work on a new big project so I cut out some content lmao. Thanks for playing homi

oh boy you did it again and captured my heart :D this was hella fun i would have a vid for you soon enough to laugh on my stupidity :D


Thanks so much im glad you enjoyed!

(1 edit)

i did indeed ... also played scrap yard cuz you got it out so sneakly behind my back so im late for the party :D

Once again true horror masterpiece with exceptional, tense driven atmosphere and unique look! Personally, I have not played it, just watched my friend Evapilot play it and it was superbly magnificent. 
That camera overlay was so well done! I am jealous, happy and proud at the same time! Keep up the good work friend.

Thank you so much Niven! Always glad to hear from you man!


Awesome! As always another interesting and creepy game. 

Great video evapilot, thank you so much for playing g!


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